The A with the Facilitating Style

Written on 15/05/2019
MentesMe Organisation

Your communication style is analytical in nature and that of your conversation partner more cooperative. The basic need of your conversation partner is more focused on acceptance of others while your focus is more on creating security and safety. By nature, your attention is on the task and of your conversation partner on personal contact. The display of less dominant behaviour is similar. Stay attentive to the core quality of your conversation partner: being able to fascinate and bind others on a personal level. Accept that your conversation partner will regularly activate you to make contact with your conversation partner without a direct focus on collecting information. Something that is so important to you. Because both you and your conversation partner are less dominant, uncertainties or issues can sometimes not be expressed. Be alert to this with this cooperative discussion partner.

Stress pattern discussion partner: rising from being extremely cooperative to expressing behaviour to instructing behaviour.