Options in iGROW

Written on 15/01/2021
MentesMe Organisation

Step 1 to realisation

Going through the reality stage can be intense and confronting. However, you have probably validated your goal and are ready to act. A somewhat different attitude is needed for this stage. It is about brainstorming and opening up to all possibilities to reach your goals. There is no need to dismiss any option you think about; make an inventory. 

An exciting challenge comes into play, however. It has proven to be very difficult to let judgment go when brainstorming on the different options. The role of the mentor is clear: activate the mentee's mind. And even so necessary, manage your judgement regarding the suggested options. If you limit yourself in this phase, you will limit possible solutions. You can ask yourself different questions to activate your creativity:

1.  Think of all possible options without asking yourself if they are viable or not!
2.  Brainstorm Explore with yourself and discuss afterwards with friends, family, or coach. Try to think outside the box!
3.  The options to achieve your goals can be in any form or size. All varieties are suitable!
4.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of your different options?
5.  Which factors do you want to use to cohos between the different options?
6.  What option would you take if nothing held you back?
After this section of the iGROW model, the Way (to act) is waiting for you. The last stage will put your feet on the ground and put all your effort into practice. Please look at this quote carefully.

Personal growth is about finding the most appropriate key for you to open your door to development.