The P with a Controlling Style

Written on 15/05/2019
MentesMe Organisation

Your communication style is expressive in nature and that of your conversation partner more instructive. Your basic psychological need is aimed at recognizing yourself, as opposed to that of your conversation partner: achieving results. Be attentive to his core quality, which always manifests itself in what he/she says (congruence). Your challenge is to come across as reliable to others, so listening carefully to your conversation partner about how he/she will achieve a result can help you. Your conversation partner may want to work towards a concrete result too quickly, while you have not been able to ventilate enough about the subject. Try not only to accept the conversation partner for what he/she is but also to activate the basic needs. The conversation partner can respond impatiently to this, but do not be discouraged by this.

Stress pattern discussion partner: rising from being extremely instructive to showing analytical behaviour to cooperative behaviour.